Short update!
I know El Último Soldado" needs some work. The sample is way too loud and can hurt your ears. It came from a dusty old record and the quality isn't all that great. I'm trying to find another version of the sample. Plus I'm thinking about adding sum different sounding drums and patterns to it.
...maybe make the bass a lil' louder.
CHANGES ARE ON THE WAY!! ...along with more beats.
thx guys.
Hold the fuuuuuck up. Since when was a low quality sample not a great thing? That sample was thumping like all hell. I didn't get time to review it or anything, but that shit was on point when I heard it. Leave that shit be son, leave that shit be. :D
lol i just thought the sample at the beginning was a little PIERCING is all. either that or i just listen to my music too loud haha.