Chris Jackson @Sirhc7000

Age 34, Male

College Student


Inglewood, CA

Joined on 5/22/05

Exp Points:
737 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.09 votes
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> 100,000
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AWW SNNAAPP 100+ !!!

Posted by Sirhc7000 - July 10th, 2009

Wow the past week has been pretty crazy for me (in a good way). A sudden burst of popularity on NG has been been a breath of fresh air that I haven't ever gotten (especially living in LA >. >)

After being featured in TheBoogley's cartoon cupcake? and getting top 5 of the week for my beat The King, I'm glad to say that I have over 100 fans now :)

So now I'd like to give thanks to all of the NG samplers/beatmakers/rappers that have paved the way for me and have been friends or inspiration to me (just gonna list u):

DJ Delinquent
ParagonX9 (Yes I know she makes DnB but you and I both know that mess is BUMPIN!!)
KillBill Vol. 2

(If you haven't heard any of their music I URGE you to go listen to them now. They're actually better than me heh heh ^^;; )

if I missed anyone my bad. Either that or I haven't heard your stuff. I'm always happy to discover new talent on NG so hit me up!

Yea so anyway thanks to the above artists for makin a brotha comfortable/inspired on NG. I hope the best for all of you.


Oh and btw new beat:

P.S.: I will respond to everyone's reviews and messages. It gets a little overwhelming sometimes heh heh.

Sirhc's 100 (+13):

1. 45MAGnum
2. Afrojonez
3. AmericanRobot
4. andyopus
5. arcenioxx
6. AronKong
7. ars3nalpromo
8. asianballa9
9. Assassin-J
10. Avens
11. Azul3174
12. barak-iji
13. Barkingdawg
14. Bcc17
15. biggamaggnom
16. Blahed1234
17. Blak-Phoenix
18. blankviaIndifference
19. Bobomatic
20. boommonkeyking
21. Boux
22. Bracksta
23. Broken-Needle
24. Burly
25. ButcherGod
26. cpt-african
27. D3v1n
28. Dbow101
29. devyp2theizo
30. DexterPowercrush
31. DJ-Delinquent
32. dj9272
33. dondon2009
34. Doomzek
35. Drewsky13
36. EternalXIII
37. Faires
38. freddyfinger
39. gamerworld14
40. hansari
41. haywirehaywire
42. HeavyDNY86
43. Hypnotik7
44. I3lue
46. iNfRaRED015
47. Isemat
48. itachi1952
49. JKMonkey
50. Jultoin
51. kamelona
52. KazaKaza
53. Korn-Slipknot-Freak
54. kylebe
55. Kzmos
56. les907
57. lil-human
58. Lost-Wisdom
59. LucreOnBeats
60. Mad-Zoologist
61. mannyatwork1
62. MeisterDark
63. mhansen009
64. MigratingCoconut
65. Mo-Tech
66. Momomomocokey
67. MoniMC
68. morikun
69. mraw
70. MTownMP
71. MyNamesInLights
72. Nc321
73. Nhite
74. Nic007
75. onlyproductions
76. Picopimp123
77. Pkpaul3
78. R-avenger
79. RainbowRiderAlpha
80. RE-king-VIEW
81. readordiee
82. RemixF2D
83. roarshack
84. Ryu360t
85. Saylek
86. shadyjeff
87. Shikamarana
88. SinTheOriginal
89. spinningcannon
90. sword20033
91. talkingtrousers
92. tankbuster781
93. Taowie
94. teddygram
95. The-Condor
96. The22ndHat
97. TheC00kieMnStr
98. thedevilsgarage
99. thekillersheep
100. tingtonger
101. Tommy-Gun
102. trooper1011
103. TrueRavenDc
104. tsunami334
105. useYOURname
106. Vezz
107. VirtualFuckinPlague
108. war-spawn
109. Warrior777
110. WingsllOFllFreedom
111. XDusk
112. XXXubertyrantXXX
113. Y4htz33

AWW SNNAAPP 100+ !!!


Good job on King. I look forward to hearing more of your music.


Thx man.

lol dude so many people

i had 101 around the time Del 100 came out

u got 113 <3

*pops colla*


nice hope u continue you awesome work!

Will do.

your music is the shit man

So is yours!!

(> . <)

Congrats :)

I managed to sneak in around the extra 13 on the list :D

Actually, it's just in alphabetical order so u probably came in a LOT earlier. XD

heheh yea i know im 11 days but anyhoooo

sweet im 103 lol, yea man keep doin what u doin i still play ur hits, by the way have u heard of beezo.net? its a dj site, check it out its a coo site

ParagonX9 is a dude =x

wahhhttt no fuckin way......WTF?! o.O

Pshh, its not my fault for mistaking that (if ur right) s/he has their gender down as female and has girl profile pic...